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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Recent XboxLive Arcade Purchases- Upcoming games

Recently I bought 2 new games for the Xbox Live arcade: Aliend Hominid HD and Worms. Both are fun, but Worms is a bit better.

Alien Hominid HD- Funny but good graphics, decent gameplay, but the steep difficulty brings down the score. 8.2/10

Worms- the best arcade game to date, Worms has it all: online multiplayer, local play, and an actual campaign. 9.3/10


I've been considering a new game lately, mainly since I need some good multiplayer fun. I've been looking at G.R.A.W. 2, Crackdown, and F.E.A.R., but so far the first looks the best. More info to come.


TheMan661 said...

Hey man, I just clicked the link to this site on the forums so I figured Id drop a message. Nice looking site.

Don Corleone 72 said...

Thanks, I'll try to keep updating it frequently. It's fun to make these things. :)

thanks again, and enjoy!